Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chaperones and farewells....

So tomorrow is Hailey's "play-day" and school and I volunteered to be a Mom chaperon for her group.  They will be going to the Rec Center and swimming, reading, and playing in the gym.  Hailey is sooooo excited for me to be there.  As a working Mom I do not get to do these things very often.  I am excited to be there with her for this!  Next week is her last week of school. 
This week is our foreign exchange student's last week of school.  She got her flight information today....she flies out June 29th. 
Her parents are flying in June 3rd for the graduation.  Then they go on a weeks vacation touring the US and then back home to Germany.  Elli will stay a couple more weeks and then she goes back also.  Sad.......we'll miss her.

This was Elli's first professional baseball game.  Mark helped chaperon.  He had a blast explaining the game to the girls (Elli and the other foreign exchange girls).  Mark loves baseball and was in heaven having someone to explain and share it all with.

So.....time with my daughter tomorrow.......doing the Mommy thing I rarely get to do.  Can't wait....we are both excited.

I'll be sure to bring my camera!


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