Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I went on a quilt retreat in March and realized I had not posted anything about it!  Well, what the *bleep* have I been thinking?  Anyway, we had a blast at this quilt retreat.  We quilted, laughed, quilted, laughed, did a few shots of Tequila (originally made in Mexico), quilted and laughed some more.  It was FUN...I can't wait to go again.

So here we go.....

These are a couple of Karen's quilts she was working on...........preeeeetttttttyyyyyy!

This is the cutting table.........also known as the story telling table........ (that's my bud Rachel)

This was the sunset out the window in the dining room.........nice......

This is my other bud Lynn, she's modeling a shawl she made from Cherrywood Rayon........she looks mad .......but she's not......TRUST ME!

Of course I have a ton more pictures but this post would be a mile long if I posted them all.  As always we have way too much fun and it always leaves me longing for more.

Until next time girls.........I luv ya more n' my sewing machine!  (I don't own luggage!)



  1. I KNOW I wasn't mad!!! Taking my picture just slowed me down!!! ;)

  2. Ya, us pesky camera people wanting to take pictures.....interrupted your flow didn't I? You know, you posed a lot that weekend though! LOL!
