Monday, June 14, 2010

Self Portraits......

So I couldn't get my memory chip for my camera to work in the camera.  I took it out and put it in the computer to try and figure out what was going on.  Well, Hailey was taking some more pictures and I laughed out loud when I saw them.

Here I'll share......

NICE......I really laughed when I saw this one......

OK I actually really like this one......It's cute!


UMMMMMMMM.......I'm not sure here.......Hailey we need to talk........I think....

There are more but these are my favorites.  Guess what, I got the memory chip to work again.  I should probably check the settings on my camera now.

Hey, I also got my rows back for my row quilt exchange and I sewwed the top togehter yesterday.  I added a few rows and then put a border on it.  Mark loves it, so do I.  I'll post pictures soon.



  1. Geez...You top is done??? Makin us look bad!!Love the pictures of the runt!

  2. I love them all ... I hope to teach a photography class to children in my spare time : ) See how well she did deciding and then depicting her moods? I am sure everything went fine with the big visit. I bet you miss them ... and Eli sure left a mark on all our hearts. We have company from Orlando as of last night. Ron's brother in law is here and his sister Karen will come for the 4th. All is well here in my world. Love you. xoxo.

  3. Yeah...I even had to borrow an iron from my neighbor as mine had puked out on me Sunday. I was on a mission!

    Laurie.....thanks! Hailey loves "playing" with my camera. Some of her shots end up being cool.

    xoxo Gentrie
