So Valentines Day has never really been about Valentines Day in my house since I married my husband. You see, Hubby's birthday is today.
So Valentines Day always ends up being about his Birthday. Not that I am complaining really. While it's nice to get flowers and such. I think it's nicer to get them just because and out of the blue, not because some ding dong made a national day of love.
Love should be celebrated year round.
My Mom always got us kids something for Valentines Day, but then my Mom got us something for LOTS of holidays. St Patricks Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween of course Christmas. Now that I write this down, I see the reasoning behind almost all of them (we are part Irish after all).
Anyway, Happy Valentines Day! Hope you all have a great one, and continued love every day after!
happy birthday to mark and happy valentiMes too. i am cabin feverish as well but had the windows open today and i think i can ride it out from here. love and miss you ... and always love to catch up with you here. xoxo.