Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Small Fair and a List

As I had blogged a while ago (jeez that long already?) Hailey and I went to the fair in Rosebud County.  This is where I grew up and it was fun going back.  It's a small fair but so much fun, the lines were short for the rides and Hailey really did have a blast.

These were taken from my cell phone so I apologise for the washed out look.

This picture is so cool, it makes me squint just looking at it.

This girl loves to spin, she has my stomach, not her Dad's.

1. Our life is starting to get back to a norm.  We are moved to our "house" and out of the dinky apartment. 

2. Everything is still in boxes (so maybe a little chaos yet).

3. I got half of the kitchen unpacked last night.

4. The reason I hadn't blogged was because of the move.

5. .....And the weekend trip back to Minnesota.

6. We were non stop moving and working, it was exhausting.

7. We have to do that one more time before winter.

8.  I'm torn between happiness over that and dread.  (It's a long trip, but I COULD see my friends again.)

9. I missed seeing a bunch of friends this last trip, I guess I need to announce my plans better.

10. I'll be back more often, I promise, half my life is not spent driving anymore.  (I just need to dig it out of the boxes!)


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