Thursday, February 16, 2017

Another quilt retreat down

Well, another quilt retreat is down on the books.  I am sad to say I could have used 1 more day to finish my quilt top for my bed.  As it stands I have a pieced border to work the kinks out on and then 2 simple borders to put on.

This is the center with the cream/white border.  The pieced border is the same colors as the center and then there are 2 darker borders after that.

I did manage to complete Piper's quilt.
Now this weekend I will piece her backing together and get it to the quilter.....Yeah!

I had time Sunday morning to put together a quickie table runner.  This runner looks COMPLETELY different in person.  One of those crazy picture things.  Weird.

We had so much fun there, as usual.  I wish I could get 2 of these in a year, but there are too many other things, places, people that need taken care of and visited also.

Anyone else quilt retreating it lately?  I am completely jealous!  I need a life of this, or at least more of it.....



Friday, February 3, 2017

A row and a row of struggles

I have one row completed on Piper's quilt.  I got it completed at the sew weekend with the girls in January.  Since then I have not had a chance to touch it again.

I think it is turning out pretty cute.  Piper sure loves it.

Here is a close up.  She knows all the names of all the dinosaurs in this fabric.  One more row to complete and then just a couple borders.  I had to add a star block on the bottom of these to make it a twin bed size.  I am really excited for this quilt's completion.  Maybe because Piper is so excited about it.

In other news, I finally started the process of cleaning out Mom's house and getting it ready for sale.  YUCK!  What a difficult journey, I hate dementia.  I hate watching her struggle and knowing what the outcome will be.  I hate having to go through her things and sell her house.  It feels so wrong.

On the bright side,  yearly Quilt retreat is next weekend!!!!  Yeah!  I am retreating from many things and hope to get a lot accomplished on the quilting front.

Hope everything is well in your world......

